Tuesday, April 3, 2012

New sponsor and a change to the route!

Well It's been an exciting week for me as I have been trying to juggle school,family and planning for the run. I am pleased to announce that I have gained a new sponsor! My athlete live has very generously offered their services to track my run.. You can check their website at http://www.myathletelive.com  They will provide me with a small GPS tracking device that will allow you to know where I am along the route this summer.The device will also share information on my speed and elevation.
 I have also tweaked my route a little this week so as to make it a little more manageable and hit some key places where people have offered to come out and support me along the way. I will now be starting a little further south from Cannon beach Oregon, and ending at the aptly named Slaughter beach in Delaware for a total of 3026 miles. click on this link to check out the route on Google maps. Sean's Route
 Thank you for all the support I have been receiving! people have been very encouraging, which is a great motivator, I'm anticipating a grueling summer, but am looking forward to the challenge, and getting this opportunity to "give back" a little, means a lot to me and my family.

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