Sunday, June 10, 2012

It seems like wifi is hard to find out here in the mountains, but tonight I am nursing a sore ankle. My issues really started snowballing Friday night (literally) when I ran into snow running towards Mount Hood! the weather has been quite wet since we arrived in Oregon but I really didn't expect this much snow!  I cut my run short Friday night due to weather, and woke up Saturday with terrible shin pain, I did end up finishing my route for Friday, but proceeded to forget to turn on my athlete live tracker! Also we decided to stop and change the oil in the RV before preceding through Mt. Hood national park, and that turned into a 3+ hour event!
So this morning I started out gingerly hoping to walk/light jog the 38 miles, but only ended up making it 9 before coming to the realization that ice and rest tonight, would go along way for a successful second week. I'm thinking it may be a bad shin splint, so Ice and a wrap will hopefully help me pull through it

 Even with a few setbacks and disappointments the support a long the way has been very encouraging, so many people stop to ask me what I am doing and wish me luck, and even hand me a few dollars.
This is definitely a learning curve, I am figuring things out and adjusting as I go. It is fun eating as much and as often as I want!

Your donations are greatly appreciated and thank you for all the support and kind words along the way!


  1. It's hard to believe that it was snowing there while it was in the 80's here! I'm praying for good weather and healing for your ankle and I hope this next week goes smoother!

  2. Hi Sean,
    Sorry to hear about your leg problems. I think you are right about the shin splints. Ice and a wrap do help, and an anti-inflammatory drug, like Ibuprofen should also help.
    However the best treatment is rest. If you feel you have to keep going, be sure not to push it, and see how you do. If the pain continues to be severe, you may need an xray.
    Let me know how it goes.

  3. I hear the people of Wales have a high white blood cell count and recover from injuries faster than an athlete on steriods. Keep up the good fight and soon the days running will be a walk in the park

    Your Dog co. buddy,

  4. Hey, Sean, Carrie here. Hang in there, as it sounds like a real test for you. I know running is your passion, so pull out of pain if you can. Weather here has been toasty the last two days.

  5. I know it's hard through all of the trials, but everyone is thinking of you and praying for you. A couple weeks ago I preached a sermon about how God is the God of the mountains and God of the valleys. He is just as powerful in the valley as He is in the mountain. He is El-Shaddai of the mountain and El-Shaddai of the valley. There is a saying, "The greater the journey, the greater the commitment." So you will finish the journey because you have the commitment. Pastor Larry
